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Proglycem and Infants: Is It Safe?

Proglycem is a drug used to treat low blood sugar. This drug may have also been given to your infant in a hospital before or after surgery.

This drug may have been prescribed to your child for the following conditions:
  • Leucine Sensitivity
  • Islet Cell Hyperplasia or Adenoma
  • Nesidioblastosis
  • Extrapancreatic Malignancy
  • Adenomatosis

Is Proglycem Safe?

Proglycem has been in use since 1973. Proglycem doesn't just block the body from producing insulin, but it also causes the body to hold onto water. Because it encourages water retention, this drug can cause harmful effects and even death in anyone with heart problems. This drug has also been linked to cataracts in animals. Young children who took this medicine for long periods developed abnormal facial features.

Proglycem can also cause a certain condition called diabetic ketoacidosis. Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when the body stops making enough insulin. This condition is fatal if not treated. Some of the symptoms include thirst, vomiting, confusion, tiredness, and sweet smelling breath. The breath can also smell like nail polish remover in later stages of the condition.

Of particular concern with Proglycem is the development of pulmonary hypertension. This condition causes high blood pressure in the lungs. This condition appeared in 11 infants who took this medicine while in the hospital. Several of the infants were placed in intensive care. These cases were reported between 1973 and 2015. None of the infants died. Pulmonary hypertension associated with this medicine is considered very rare.

Proglycem Side Effects

Look for the following signs of pulmonary hypertension in your infant:
  • Grunting or sighing
  • Sniffing or flaring nostrils
  • Chest heaving or unusal movements
  • Fast breathing or gasping
  • Refusal to eat or coughing and choking while eating
  • Blue color in the lips or skin

If you notice any of the signs of serious conditions in your baby after they received Proglycem, contact a doctor. You may also need to contact an attorney to find out if you have a claim against the drug manufacturer. Remember that you should not try to diagnose your baby and they should not stop any medicine before asking your doctor.

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