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About Us

What's this site about?

Big Pharma Watchdog was created out of concern over the pharmaceutical industry. As drug companies become more powerful, they are able to rush-to-market various products. Even though these all have to go through FDA approval, oversights and mistakes happen.

Sometimes this results in someone dying.

Big Pharma Watchdog hopes to prevent this.

Where do we get our information?

Thankfully the FDA is watching the pharmaceutical and medical device industries. Whenever there's a problem with a drug or device, the FDA releases a press release. Unfortunately, these press releases are written in technical jargon and for medical experts. That means average people, like you and I, can have a hard time understanding these warnings.

Big Pharma Watchdog is our attempt to take certain FDA press releases and translate them into everyday language. This way anyone can understand the risks and dangers from some of these products.

Of course, don't take our word for it. If you find that you, or a loved-one, has used any of these products please:

  1. Call your doctor. They are the true medical expert- not us. Our hope is that these articles allow you to better understand what might have gone wrong so you can seek proper medical advice.
  2. Get a second opinion. Your doctor might be hesitant to give you the full picture. Perhaps they might be afraid of a lawsuit. Another doctor might be able to help you understand what's going on and what you can do about it.
  3. Call a lawyer. Some doctors might not give you the full picture. As long as you are out of immediate medical danger, call your lawyer and ask for advice. They might be able to review your case, as well as your medical records, and offer productive advice in your time of need. 

Who is publishing this?

David Zimmerman is an internet marketing expert, by trade. He is not a doctor or lawyer (to the disappointment of his mother). He is applying his skills with internet marketing with the hopes of making these FDA notices more accessible to average people- who might have suffered from one of these products. Don't believe him. Call your doctor or lawyer, if you need to understand what might have happened to you, or your loved-one, after using one of these products.

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