The previous label for the antibacterial drug Zerbaxa might be misinterpreted and lead to an overdose of the drug. The FDA has asked the manufacturer to label this drug more clearly, in order to prevent any problems.
However, if someone you love was treated for a urinary or abdominal infection, and suffered or died under unusual circumstances, you might want to consult a lawyer. A good attorney can help review medical records to determine if they received Zerbaxa and someone’s mistake lead to their death.
Is Zerbaxa Safe?
Zerbaxa (a combination of both ceftolozane and tazobactam) is sometimes used to treat urinary tract infections (UTIs) or more complicated abdominal infections. The FDA, at this point, is not recommending any changes to how this drug is being used or removing it from the market, but hoping to clarify the label in order to make sure patients, like you, receive the proper dosage.Zerbaxa Side-Effects
Thankfully, no one has reported any bad side-effects from overdosing with Zerbaxa to the FDA yet. The FDA might have caught this problem before anyone was harmed.However, if someone you love was treated for a urinary or abdominal infection, and suffered or died under unusual circumstances, you might want to consult a lawyer. A good attorney can help review medical records to determine if they received Zerbaxa and someone’s mistake lead to their death.